Quotes For Bike Lovers

         100 Motivational Biker                      Attitude Quotes

“Life is a journey, enjoy the ride on two wheels.”

“A biker's attitude: Live free, ride hard.”

“In the saddle of a bike, I find my freedom.”

“Four wheels move the body, but two wheels move the soul.”

“I'm not lost, I'm exploring on my motorcycle.”

“When in doubt, throttle it out.”


Best bike captions for Instagram
Biking is the best way to destress.

Two wheels, one love!

Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.

The open road is my home.

The best view comes after the hardest climb.

No plans. No maps. ...

I'm not happy unless I'm riding my bike.
Livin' the bike life.

Life is short, buy the motorcycle, have a ride, live your dreams. You don't stop riding when you get old; you get old when you stop riding. Motorcycles are my therapy, and my helmet is my psychologist. Motorcycling is not just a hobby; it's a way of life.9 Oct 2023
Patience is something you admire in the driver behind you and scorn in the one ahead. 

Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer. 

Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly. ...

Everything in life is somewhere else, and you get there in a car.


1. “Doesn’t matter what you ride, give respect to get respect”

2. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery; Ride and live today”
– Anonymous

3. “If you want to be happy for a day, drink.If you want to be happy for a year, marry.If you want to be happy for a lifetime, ride a motorcycle.”
– Anonymous

4.  “You don’t stop riding when you get old, you get old when you stop riding.”
– Anonymous

5.  “Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass: it’s about learning how to ride in the rain!”
– Anonymous

6. “A bike on the road is worth two in the shed.”
– Anonymous

7.  “You are on your own. You are not protected by two tons of steel, rubber, foam padding and safety glass. Neither are you steering two tons of guided missile toward other cars, people and property. If you are prepared to accept the responsibility of your own actions, then motorcycling can be both safe and thrilling. Riding is an art as well as a craft and no amount of explanation can take the place of experience.
– Theresa Wallach, Easy Motorcycle Riding, 1970

8. “It wasn’t until I went to college and I got my first motorcycle that I understood the thrill of speed.”
– Vin Diesel

9.  “I look my best when I take my helmet off after a long motorcycle ride. I have a glow and a bit of helmet hair.”
– Eric Bana

10. “The older I get, the faster I was. There are old bikers and there are bold bikers, but there are no old, bold bikers.”
– Evel Knievel

11. “All girls like guys who are tough. Obviously, riding a motorcycle – I don’t want to say that there’s a bad boy quality – but there’s definitely a tough and macho thing about a guy who rides a motorcycle and that element of danger. That’s really sexy.”
– Marisa Miller

12. “You do not need a therapist if you own a motorcycle, any kind of motorcycle!”
– Dan Aykroyd


Sure! Here are some quotes about motorbikes and the experience of riding them:

"Four wheels move the body, two wheels move the soul."

"Riding a motorcycle is like an art: something you do because you feel something inside." - Valentino Rossi

"The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome."

"You don't stop riding when you get old, you get old when you stop riding."

"Riding a bike is like an art, something you do because you feel something inside."

"Sometimes it takes a whole tankful of fuel before you can think straight."

"Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass: it’s about learning how to ride in the rain."

"Riding a motorcycle is not just a hobby, it’s a way of life."

"If you don't ride in the rain, you don't ride."

"You live more in five minutes on a bike like this going flat out than some people live in a lifetime." - Burt Munro

These quotes capture the essence and passion of motorcycle riding, reflecting both the thrill and the deeper connection many riders feel.

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